For those of you who are making use of the Notebook or Laptop to activities in internet. Certainly knock on the number of limited capacity Hard Drive in particular is a buy below March 2008. Typically use a standard Hard Disk capacity of 120 Gb or 160 Gb in general. To 250 gb and 320 Gb (largest size currently) is usually given after the sale in March 2008 and the specifications are good enough both HD and its processor.
Tips Replacing Hard Drive:
1. Make sure your laptop is aged over 12 months, so it's not covered by insurance / guarantee / warranty Brand TSB. So do not lose if warranty sticker removed.
2. Search / read on the internet regarding the specification your computer. The more clear and complete, the better.
3. See when Booting in BIOS menu, what type of Hard Disk you.
Hard Disk 2.5-inch, for example:
Capacity / Capacity = xxx Gb.
Brand / Brand = Toshiba / Samsung / Fujitsu etc..
Cache Memory = 2/4/8/16/32 Mb
SATA TYPE = Sata 1 or Sata 2
4. This particular cache memory plays an important role in the read-write access to your hard disk. So if you buy try to find a cache above 2 Mb yes. Ask do not be fooled. Because of the same size but different cache will cost quite different not just 1 dollar. Buy branded and there are also the warranty.
5. Most wear Laptop Hard Disk Fujitsu, Samsung or WD from its OEM. Lately, many who use WD because lower prices less than the others.
As an illustration I also just replace a brand Acer NB versions which 5xxx-G spec its pretty big. Originally only 160 Gb HD. Due to maximum capacity laptop HD is available only 320 Gb, conducted a survey first. And finally can be found brand W.D. which originally also wear brands W.D.
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