06 September 2013

Definition Hard Disk

Definition Hard disk (hard disks-Indonesian) is also called Hard disk drive (HDD) is hardware that serves to store data in the form of a square grid in which there are four magnetic disk. Unlike the RAM, if the hard disk is not able to supply electricity still can save the data.

Hard disks have an IDE and SATA connectors, for use USB external hard disk. Slot connector is to connect the hard disk to the mainboard, you can see the back of the hard disk has a SATA or IDE connector.

Definition Hard Disk

Hard disks have a physical size of 2.5 Inch usually for a laptop, while 3.5 inch usually for a desktop computer or home PC. Hard disk speed assessed with Rpm (Rotation per minute / round per minute) the higher the value the faster rpm hard disk works.

Hard disk capacity assessed by Bit, for the size of the hard disk is now up to the size of Tera Bit (TB) is Billions Bit. Here the value of the unit for bit (If any correction please)

1 TB = 1024 GB (Giga Bit)
1 GB = 1024 MB (Mega Bit)
1 MB = 1024 KB (Kilo Bits)
1 KB = 1024 Bit


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